Sunday, June 22, 2008
Robotic Application - Learning Made Simple using FlowLogic 3
Friday, June 20, 2008
RFID Application - Learning Made simple
Matroll Flowlogic - Programming without coding
MATROLL® FlowLogic 3 is visual design medium for creating, testing modifying, measuring and controlling for students to explore the world of Computer control and it possibilities. Programs are created as flowcharts by click & drop appropriate flowchart and blocks (commands tools) onto the screen and drawing routes between them. The program then can be executed. Defending on the program created, FlowLogic 3 will process it and provide the necessary output on screen and/or external devices as specified by user.
FlowLogic 3 supports a host of interfaces (Parallel, SERIAL, USB, and PCI). Complete PC Interfacing solutions can be accomplished using our FlowLogic 3. Besides providing control interface to our own Control Box and Board, FlowLogic 3 supports third party hardware and can be accessed simultaneously. From simple IO and Data communication, FlowLogic 3 also comes with tool for advanced communication for RFID, BLUETOOTH and Industrial Control.
Matroll FlowLogic 3 enable control of RC Servo motor based robotic Innovation via Computer Serial and USB port.
Virtual Project
Virtual Projects provide the ideal way to introduce students to FlowLogic 3 and control Logic Development without a need to hook-up any interface devices to the PC. Comprehensive teaching materials for all the Virtual Projects are now included within the software so that they are always accessible.
The control program for the Virtual projects can be programmed in many ways using FlowLogic 3, allowing student to use their imagination, creativity and innovativeness to complete the projects.
This is an advanced features FlowLogic 3 offers, where the students or user can develop their own Virtual project or software application shown below without a single code.
This development tool can enable them to create their own virtual models for individual experimentation and for other user to use.The background picture can be drawn on Paint software, scanned or digitized, or the image can be obtained from the Internet or from clip art disks.The control and execution of this application program can be entire developed using Flowcharts and Blocks (Command Tools) that FlowLogic 3 provides.
A Complete Database management program can be easily developed using this tool. This provides a strong foundation for students who wish progress to developing large-scale commercial software.
For more info, please email
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Matroll Concept - Introduction
Matroll ® Concept is a Discovery based Learning program to improve Mathematics, Science and Technology in Education using a activity based curriculum which involves research and Design, development and distribution of modern ways of teaching with Information and Communication Technologies (ICT).
Matroll ® Concept - Discovery based Learning program helps learning centers (pre-school to Universities) to develop their students psychomotor skills and the inculcation of desirable work attitudes through acquisition of practical skills.
Visit what Matroll ® Concept Discovery learning can lead to..
How and Why Matroll® Concept Improve Learning
Motivation is crucial. Many students have already tuned out, either because they believe math and science are "useless" or--worse--because they believe they are too "stupid" to master difficult material. Most students will excel in math and science when they see that the material is relevant and when they believe that they can succeed. It certainly helps too if we can make the learning both challenging and fun
Time on Task is critical. Students learn more if they spend more time working with and thinking about the key ideas. Some students may be very good at quickly memorizing answers for a test, but the kind of learning that will last a lifetime does require time and focused effort. Short, focused and fun tasks are a good way to keep students engaged with the material long enough to learn it thoroughly.
Positive social interactions are key. Both in school and on the job, people must work effectively as part of a group. Positive interactions and improved learning occur when students and teachers work together to achieve shared goals. If, for example, students work together to move a robot, the tasks of measurement, calculation and planning become shared responsibilities. If teachers of math, science and technology work together to help student master difficult skills and concepts, everyone benefits.
Realistic Career Applications should be part of all learning in math, science and technology. Every student (even the exceptional few who go on to earn a Ph.D. in math or science) will eventually need to earn a living. School-based education must always look beyond the school environment. This does not mean, however, that we should focus on narrow technical training. Good, high-paying jobs demand that students be able to solve realistic semi-structured problems, to apply math and science to realistic problems, and to adapt to new and often challenging situations. Career education is not an extra topic for math and science teachers--it's a better way of teaching the fundamental concepts and skills.